Friday, November 30, 2012

OHS Reverse Proxy for Weblogic with out SSL

In Windows:

  • Go to path where mod_wl_ohs.conf location. (Example path in windows: D:\Oracle_New\Middleware\Oracle_WT1\instances\instance1\config\OHS\ohs_new)

Update the parameters as follows: (Remove all # codes as they are comments)

<IfModule weblogic_module>
      WebLogicHost weblogic hostname
      WebLogicPort weblogic port
      Debug ON
      WLLogFile /tmp/weblogic.log
      MatchExpression *.jsp

<Location /console>
      SetHandler weblogic-handler
      PathTrim /console
      PathPrepend /console
  • Restart OHS Server using opmnctl.bat/ (in linux) (Path in windows: D:\Oracle_New\Middleware\Oracle_WT1\instances\instance1\bin)

Restart Commands: (go to above path and use following commands)

1) opmnctl.bat stopall

2) opmnctl.bat startall

3) opmnctl.bat status (check Status)

Try the url: localhost:7777/console and weblogic console should be displayed. :) 

Thanks !!! 

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