
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

OIM 11g R2 Customization Extension Installer for JDeveloper

Download Extension from the URL:

unzip .7z file

Minimum Requirement: JDeveloper 11.1.1.x

1) Add Following in Environment variables:

 2) Open Jdeveloper as Administrator

3) Go to Help and Check for Updates.

4) Select Install from Local File and select zip file location as shown below.

 5) Click Finish

 6) Click Yes.

7) Go to OIM Customization Installer

 8) Provide required parameters and click  Test Connection and verify.

9) Click Save... Thanks !!!!

OIM, OAM, OAAM Schema and Database details after installation(11g R2)

After installation of Oracle Middleware products to verify database and schema details following is the procedure:

Login to Weblogic Console:

 Click on Data Sources

 Go to Connection Pool and verify DB details.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

OIM 11g R2 Creating Organization Using OIM Java API's

This Program is to Create Organization using OIM Java API's: 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

OIM 11g R2: Assigning Role to User using Java API's

Method to Assign Role to User:

OIM 11g R2: Java Code for Update User, Delete User and Search User (OIM API's)

Update User Method:

Delete User Method:

Search User Method:

Friday, February 22, 2013

OIM 11g R2 IT Resource for OUD

While creating IT Resource of OUD in OIM 11g R2 following error occurs if you have special symbols in base DN while running any scheduled tasks using OUD IT Resource.

Below error occur because OIM automatically removes "," (comma) special symbol if you have not specified full DN or Base DN or base contexts in double quotes.

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - The entry dc=veerudc=com specified as the search base does not exist in the Directory Server]; remaining name 'dc=veerudc=com'
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.searchAux(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_search(
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_search(

Following parameters in below screenshot works as base DN is specified in double quotes ("dc=veeru,dc=com").

Inline image 1

Thanks !!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

OIM Client 11g R2 Java Code to Create Role using API Role Manager

This code is to create Role using Java OIM API's:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

OIM 11g R2 API Usage. Java Code to Create User and Other User Operations

Here we are going to see Java code to connect to OIM 11G R2 and do other operations.

Following code does:
  • Create User
  • Lock User
  • Unlock User
  • Disable User
  • Enable User 
  • Reset Password

Refer Java API's for OIM 11g R2 doc in the following URL:

Need following basic library jar files:

  • commons-logging.jar 
  • spring.jar
  • oimclient.jar
  • jrf-api.jar
  • wlfullclient.jar

Common-logging.jar and spring.jar available under /Oracle_IDM1/server/client in side zip file, extract and add lib folder and oimclient.jar to class path as shown below.

Generate wlfulclient.jar by following below steps, after generation it need to be added to classpath .

1) Create project in Jdeveoper and go to Properties, under properties go to Libraries and classpath and add jar files specified above. 

2) Write code as shown below. 
  • Create User
  • Lock User
  • Unlock User
  • Disable User
  • Enable User 
  • Reset Password

3) To initialize OIM connection following code will be used:

4) To Login to OIM using any user use:

5) To perform user operations initialize userManagement :

6) Using other Java API's( other operations can be performed. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

OUD (Oracle Unified Directory) as User Identity Store(Data Source) for OAM 11g R2

For configuring OUD as Identity store we need to install OUD.

Refer OUD installation and configuration in the following URL: 

Configuring OUD as Identity Store in OAM 11g R2: 

1) Login to OAM Console

2) Go to System configuration tab.

3) Select on Data Sources and click on New

 4) Provide OUD details as shown below (port number, Bind DN, User Base and Group Base changes based on your OUD configuration) and click on test connection.

5) Connection should be successful other wise cross check parameters provided. 

6) Click on Apply once connection is successful.

Thanks !!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Oracle Directory Services Manager (ODSM) Configuration


Oracle Directory Services Manager enables you to configure the structure of the directory, define objects in the directory, add and configure users, groups, and other entries. ODSM is the interface you use to manage entries, schema, security, adapters, extensions, and other directory features.

Technical illustration showing ODSM being used to manage Oracle Internet Directory

Before configuring ODSM install application development framework by following this link:

Application Framework required for ODSM:
ODSM is a J2EE application that runs inside a Web Logic container and relies on certain libraries that are not installed with the Oracle Unified Directory software. These libraries are provided in the Oracle Application Development Framework. If you plan to manage Oracle Unified Directory with ODSM, you must therefore install the Oracle Application Development Framework.

Configuration Steps:

1) After installation of OUD, ODSM folder gets created inside OUD home directory. ODSM ear will be available inside that path.

2) Login to Weblogic console to deploy ODSM Ear. 

 3) Go to Deployments

 4)Click Install

5) Select path of odsm.ear and select radio button and click next

 6) Select Install Deployment as application

7) Select Admin server for deployment and click finish.

ODSM will get deployed and you can access it on http://localhost:7001/odsm  as it is deployed on admin server. (port changes if you install on any other server)

Accessing OUD using ODSM:

1) Provide all OUD details.

2) Click on Yes, Trusted always.

3) OUD Home screen can be seen:

Thanks !!! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) 11g Configuration

For OUD installation refer to following link:

OUD Configuration or Instance Creation:

1) Using command prompt navigate to OUD Home directory.

2) Provide Hostname, LDAP Listener Port (NON-SSL Port), Admin Port, Root user DN and Password. If you need SSL configuration click on Configuration and provide details.

3) If it is stand alone server with out any replication select "this will be a stand alone server" otherwise select "This server will be part of replication topology" and provide all the replication server details.

4) Provide Directory Base DN and select Directory Data.

5) Enable for EUS: if you want this server instance to be used as a datastore for Oracle Enterprise User Security. Note that you can only enable a server instance for EUS if you have enabled SSL access (See Step 2).
When you enable a server instance for EUS, the following naming contexts are created on the instance:

Enable for Fusion Applications: if you want this server to be used as an identity store for Oracle Fusion Applications. When you enable a server instance for Oracle Fusion Applications, a workflow element named Fa0 (cn=Fa0,cn=Workflow elements,cn=config) is created and enabled.

6) Following setting are to make memory changes during runtime.

7)  Select "Run server as a Windows Service" if you need OUD instance as windows service.

Testing: Test the following LDAP search query to make sure that instance got created properly with proper data.

ldapsearch.bat -h localhost -p 1389   -D "cn=directory manager" -w my-password -b "dc=example,dc=com"  "(objectclass=*)"

If OUD is made as windows service that can be verified in windows services.

Thanks !! 

Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) 11g installation

OUD download Location:


Installation Steps:

1)Unzip OUD and navigate to that path using command prompt

2) Run command as shown in below (setup.exe -jreLoc jrepath)

 2) Provide Base location for OUD and Home directory name.

Thanks !!!