
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) 11g Configuration

For OUD installation refer to following link:

OUD Configuration or Instance Creation:

1) Using command prompt navigate to OUD Home directory.

2) Provide Hostname, LDAP Listener Port (NON-SSL Port), Admin Port, Root user DN and Password. If you need SSL configuration click on Configuration and provide details.

3) If it is stand alone server with out any replication select "this will be a stand alone server" otherwise select "This server will be part of replication topology" and provide all the replication server details.

4) Provide Directory Base DN and select Directory Data.

5) Enable for EUS: if you want this server instance to be used as a datastore for Oracle Enterprise User Security. Note that you can only enable a server instance for EUS if you have enabled SSL access (See Step 2).
When you enable a server instance for EUS, the following naming contexts are created on the instance:

Enable for Fusion Applications: if you want this server to be used as an identity store for Oracle Fusion Applications. When you enable a server instance for Oracle Fusion Applications, a workflow element named Fa0 (cn=Fa0,cn=Workflow elements,cn=config) is created and enabled.

6) Following setting are to make memory changes during runtime.

7)  Select "Run server as a Windows Service" if you need OUD instance as windows service.

Testing: Test the following LDAP search query to make sure that instance got created properly with proper data.

ldapsearch.bat -h localhost -p 1389   -D "cn=directory manager" -w my-password -b "dc=example,dc=com"  "(objectclass=*)"

If OUD is made as windows service that can be verified in windows services.

Thanks !! 

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