
Friday, May 10, 2013

OIM 11g R2 PS1: OIM Logo Customization With custom Height and Width

OIM default logo size is 119px X 40px (Width X height). If you change logo with height more than 40px height it won't fit into screen.

To make it fit we need to change jspx file located in OIM ear. In this I am taking image of size 119px X 58px (Width X Height).

1) Login to identity Console 

2) Click on Sandbox to create new sandbox

3) Click on Create Sandbox

4) Provide suitable name for sandbox and click save and close

5) click on customize at right top corner

6) Click on View and select Source

7) Select Oracle logo using mouse and click edit.

8) Below is my sample logo :P (119px X 58px) which I want to replace with Oracle logo

9) Provide details as shown below.

10) click close and it will get saved.

11) Publish Sandbox, these steps are enough if you are doing normal size image (119px X 40px) but for other size image follow remaining steps.

12) Go to below path in server and Take back up of ear. (oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear) 

13)  Extract /Navigate to \oracle\iam\ui\main as shown below and changes need to be done in 3 files firstlogin.jspx, signin.jspx and identity.jspx

14) Change following line value from 30 to 64. 

instead of value="30" and save 3 files and make it as ear and replace with old ear. 

15) Restart servers and check your logo :D

Thanks !!! 


  1. you are worth your weight in gold!

  2. Hi Ravi,
    I am following your steps above, but couldn't understand how did you managed to access your customized logo - http://localhost:14000/logo/mylogo.png ? Because I am have my instance and not able to access any logos for example http://localhost:14000/logo/oracle.png But the oracle.png is in correct location.
    Could you please suggest.

  3. Hi Venu,

    Your custom logo won't be there on server. You need to deploy your logo in any server and provide that URL. If you have weblogic you can make a war file with logo and deploy it on weblogic and access through that URL. I have created my custom logo and then created a war file and deployed it on OIM managed server and got the URL for that.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thanks !!!

  4. Thanks for your reply Ravi.

    How ever, do you mind in explaining how to do this step that you suggested?
    Atleast point out to any document would be really helpful.

    You need to deploy your logo in any server and provide that URL.
    If you have weblogic you can make a war file with logo and deploy it on weblogic and access through that URL.

  5. Hi Venu,

    its nothing about war file deployment, if you have any server just deploy the logo in any server even if it is webserver or appserver. Just you should be able to access that file through URL.

    If you don't have any available server then you can use any internet facing logo :

    for example:

    Thanks !!

  6. Hi RaviTeja,

    first of all thank u so much for ur post and its too good.

    for me everything it worked well but the issue is for me in the signin.jspx page i couldnt see the globalheader size attribute , in the rest of the two file i could see and i have modified. so now how to do the sign page header

  7. Hi RaviTeja,

    first of all thank u so much for ur post and its too good.

    for me everything it worked well but the issue is in the signin.jspx page i couldnt see the globalheader size attribute , in the rest of the two files i could see the attribute and i have modified. so now how to do for the signin page

  8. Hi Sai,

    Signin page won't require any changes in files and you have different way of doing it . You can refer oracle documentation for that. Let me know if you are not able to find them, I will try put another post.


  9. Thank u Raviteja

    But the logo size is not changing in the sign in page.after logging in i can see the changes. but in the signin page the image is still in shrinked size. in this post i could see we need to make changes in three files u said, including signing.jspx. but im unable to find the header size in signin file. can u please provide me the link for oracle documenattion for im unable to find it in oracle doc.

  10. But the logo size is not changing in the sign in page.after logging in i can see the changes. but in the signin page the image is still in shrinked size. in this post i could see we need to make changes in three files u said, including signing.jspx. but im unable to find the header size in signin file. can u please provide me the link for oracle documenattion for im unable to find it in oracle doc.


    You need to click on customize and go to source and view unauthorized pages on home page and then click on sign in page and go to login page and click on customize again on sign in page and edit the top most tag --> you have some value with # you need to edit that value with hard coded number (size)


  11. Hi ravi,

    thank u so much for the solution and thanks alot for ur help

    Actually im unable to do it,where can i see the unauthorized pages on home page .in customization mode v can just able to edit can i sign in and goto login page n edit the tag. can u pls update the unable to do it

  12. In Home page if you go to custom and then source and scroll down then you will see tags for sign in page and some other unauthenticated pages. You need to right click on the parent tag and make it visible then only those links will get displayed.

    Thanks !!

  13. Thank u very much Ravi for ur helpful answers. finally i got it to do by your guidance

    steps: In the home page we need to make the unauthenticated pages tag to set visible . after setting it to visible we can the components on home page(sign in n other links will be der). clicking the signin link will be gng to signin page .v need to edit the first tag in the source mode and have to give the value(as req). finally we can see the changes on the screen

  14. You are Welcome.. :)

  15. Hi,

    Hope you are doing well.

    While trying to Integrate OIM with OID I got stuck.

    Wonder if u could comment on the following issue,

    while running the OID Connector Group Lookup Reconciliation task
    I am getting this error
    org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConfigurationException: Bundle oimjar://local:0ldapbp.jar is missing required attribute ‘ConnectorBundle-FrameworkVersion’.

    I 've done the Pre & Post installation task of the connector software ( without any Issue.

    Here is the IT resource Details and Parameters that i configured.

    Parameter Value
    Configuration Lookup Lookup.OID.Configuration
    Connector Server Name <LEFT BLNK.
    baseContexts "dc=oracle,dc=com"
    credentials ********
    port 3060
    principal cn=orcladmin
    ssl false

    also Extracted ldap.jar and ldapbp.jar
    from the lib directory of and copied these two jar files to
    the $OIM_ORACLE_HOME/server/ThirdParty directory AND run the all without any issue.

    Could you tell what am missing here.


  16. Hi Ravi, thanks for the post ,
    i am not able to get the url format , can u show steps how to do that ?

  17. Hi Deepti,

    In which step you are trying to get URL format? Are you looking for creating URL for logo ?

  18. yes , i have a logo on my local desktop

  19. Thanks for ur response

  20. Hi Deepti,

    To access logo as URL:

    1)You need to create a project in any IDE and place your image.

    2) Export project as ear/war

    3) Deploy project in oim weblogic

    4) Access the url with http://oimhostname:14000/projectname/logoname


  21. Thanks so much ,it was big help
    but i have to reflect similar changes on Login page ? can you direct me to any docs or show me the steps .. thanks in advance.

  22. Hi Ravi , i need you help,

    i have to change the text of Password Policy description messages., i tried changing in




    restarted the server , but did not see any changes , any advice from you is appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

  23. Hi Deepthi,

    I guess you are changing wrong files. See the exact path of file in 12th and 13th step.

