Saturday, September 26, 2015

Error Solutions for OIM

Installing connector gives weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException
Please follow the steps below to solve this error

1) Connect to DEV_OIM using sqldeveloper.

2) Take a backup of EIL table. Run the command CREATE TABLE EIL_BACKUP AS SELECT * FROM EIL

3) Remove content of EIL table. Run the command DELETE FROM EIL then COMMIT.

3) Restart OIM Server

4) Install the connector. Now it get installed successfully.

OIM11g configuration steps throws Exception occurred while encrypting the configuration and database 

1) Connect to DEV_OIM using sqldeveloper.

2) Truncate the MLS_LOCALE table within the OIM database. Run the command
truncate table DEV_OIM.MLS_LOCALE

3) Re-run the configuration step

4) Re Start Admin Server

XATRANS Views are not installed on this Database. This is required by the OIM Schema

Please follow the steps to solve this error.

1) Start the command prompt and navigate to "D:\Oracle\app\sunilss\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\ADMIN"

2) Type the command sqlplus and provide the username and password. Connect as sysdba user.

3) Run the command @xaview.sql as shown in figure below.

4) The error will resolved now.

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