
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Applying patch and Post installation steps after OIM installation in 11GR2 PS3

In this lab we are going to see the patch need to be apply after OIM Install in oim 11GR2 PS3 and post installation steps.

Note: You have already downloaded the OIM Bundle Patch(21771609 or

1) Bundle Patch 21771609
2) Filling in the PATCH_OIM_WLS.PROFILE file
3) Patching the oracle identity manager managed servers(PATCH_OIM_WLS stage)
4) Performing post patch configuration for weblogic server
5) Manually redeploying the diagnostic dashboard
6) Manually redeploying the SPML DSML web service

Bundle Patch 21771609:-

1) Stop the Admin Server, all Oracle Identity Manager managed servers, and all SOA managed servers.

2) Take the backup of ORACLE_HOME (i.e. /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/access/iam)

>cd /u01/backup
>tar -cvf iam.tar /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam

3) Set the environment variables such as JAVA_HOME, ORACLE_HOME and PATH as shown below.
> export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam/OPatch:$PATH
>export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam
>export JAVA_HOME=/u01/lcmrepository/jdk

4) Unzip the patch using the below command.

6) Navigate to unzipped patch directory i.e. 21771609 and apply the patch using below command.
>opatch apply

7) Start the Admin Server and all OIM Servers using the below command.
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts

Filling in the PATCH_OIM_WLS.PROFILE file:-

1) In order to edit Patch_OIM_wls.profile,Navigate to OIM_ORACLE_HOME/sever/bin and fill the required parameters as shown in figure below as per your environment
>cd   /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam/server/bin
>vi patch_oim_wls.profile

Patching the oracle identity manager managed servers(PATCH_OIM_WLS stage):-

1) Make sure that you have set all the environment variable properly in above step.

2) Start all the servers.
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts

3) Execute
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/


4) Delete the directory oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear_V2.0
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/
>rm -rf /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/domains/IAMGovernanceDomain/servers/wls_oim1/tmp/_WL_user/oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear_V2.0

5) To verify whether the scripts run successfully or not, run the following command
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam/server/bin
>cat patch_oim_wls.log

6) It will show you build successful message as shown in figure below.

7) Stop all the servers
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts

Performing post patch configuration for weblogic server:-

1) Start all the servers.
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts

2) Login to WebLogic Administrative Console.

3) Click Lock and Edit.

4) Go to Environment, Work Managers.

5) Create a new work manager OIMWorkManager and target it to OIM_SERVER(wls_oim1) or      OIM_CLUSTER.

6) Modify the newly created OIMWorkManager, and select Maximum Threads Constraint property from the drop down.

7) Save and activate the changes.

8) Stop all the servers
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts


Manually redeploying the diagnostic dashboard:-

Applying this bundle patch does not upgrade or patch Diagnostic Dashboard. After applying the bundle patch, you must use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administrative Console to manually redeploy Diagnostic Dashboard using the XIMDD .ear file included in the bundle patch package.

1) Start all the servers.
>cd /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/config/scripts

2) Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

3) Click Deployments, Install.

4) Identify the location of the Diagnostic Dashboard XIMDD.ear file and put location in Path field  click on upload your files

5) Identify the system where you want to deploy the component. In our case it is wls_oim1 .

6) Click Finish.

Manually redeploying the SPML DSML web service:-

Applying this bundle patch does not upgrade or patch SPML DSML. After applying the bundle patch, you must use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administrative Console to manually redeploy SPML DSML web service EAR by using the spml-dsml.ear file included in the bundle patch package.

1) Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

2) Click Deployments.

3) Select the checkbox for spml-dsml.ear file. If you do not find this you need to upload it from location /u01/app/oracle/products/fmw1213/middleware/products/identity/iam/server/apps/ spml-dsml.ear  in the same way we have done for XIMDD.ear in step 3,4,5 of above step.

4) Click Update.

5) Click Finish.

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