
Friday, January 5, 2018

SailPoint IIQ Terminology : Stale Identities, Correlation

Stale Identities:

  • Identities that don't have any links (Eg:Application Accounts) associated with them are referred to as "Stale Identities".
  • They have no important references and are of no use to the system.
  • Hence, they can be deleted by going to SetUp --> Tasks --> Run Prune Identity Cubes Task.
  • These type of identities gets created when the uncorrelated accounts are correlated with the authoritative/trusted identities.

  • Finding the authoritative/trusted identity for an account is referred to as "Correlation".
  • There are two types of correlations available:
  1. Attribute Based Correlation: Correlating the accounts based on a specific attribute (Eg: Email, Username etc.)
  2. Condition Based Correlation: Correlating the accounts based on a specific condition.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Custom Identity Attributes Configuration in SailPoint IIQ 7.0

Identity Attributes are basically used to describe Identity Cubes.

The custom identity attributes can be created and configured in IIQ 7.0 in the following way:

1. Login to Sailpoint IIQ as spadmin user.

2. Navigate to Global Settings --> Identity Mappings.

3. Click on "Add New Attribute" and provide the attribute name and display name.

4. Select any desired advanced options (Multi-Valued, Group Factory etc.)

5. Perform the Source Mappings by selecting the appropriate application and attribute and click "Add" and save the attribute.

6. Create a new task "Identity Refresh" by going to SetUp --> Tasks --> New Task --> Identity Refresh.

7. Provide a name for the task and click on "Save and Execute" to save and run the task.

8. Navigate to the debug interface (http://<hostname>:<port>/identityiq/debug).

9. Under Configuration Objects, choose "UI Configuration".

10. Modify the entry below in the XML file and add the created attribute name (Eg:userLogin) to value and save the file.

11. Now restart the application server (Eg: Apache Tomcat Server).

12. The custom identity attributes will be then present under the Attributes section of Identity Warehouse.

Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable Error -- MySQL 5.7 version

During the installation of MySQL 5.7 version, if you find following Error:


 1: Action 13:23:11: INSTALL. 
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {F08E9C75-A42E-4962-8760-4CBD9CF35D7A} 
1: Action 13:23:12: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications 
1: Action 13:23:12: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications 
1: Action 13:23:12: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions 
1: This application requires Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again. 
1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {F08E9C75-A42E-4962-8760-4CBD9CF35D7A} 3: 3 
1: The action 'Install' for product 'MySQL Server 5.7.19' failed.


Download this visual studio 2013 redistributable package and install it and restart the installation: